Quiz - Twinfinite https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-summer-games-fest-reveal-should-you-play-quiz/ Video Game news, reviews, opinions, guides and videos! Tue, 18 Jun 2024 13:49:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 https://twinfinite.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/cropped-logo-2.png?fit=32%2C32 Quiz - Twinfinite https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-summer-games-fest-reveal-should-you-play-quiz/ 32 32 210961778 Which Summer Games Fest Reveal Should You Play? Take Our Quiz to Find Out! https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-summer-games-fest-reveal-should-you-play-quiz/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-summer-games-fest-reveal-should-you-play-quiz/#respond Tue, 18 Jun 2024 13:49:44 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1087434 The best games for you this year!]]>

This Summer Games Fest showcased the big and upcoming names in gaming coming in 2024/2025. Xbox Games Showcase, Ubisoft Forward, IGN Live, and many more announced games for this huge event. With such a huge list of amazing titles, it can be hard to choose which one is best for you, but we can help! Take our Summer Games Fest quiz to find out which title you should play.

Summer Games Fest 2024 Quiz

Image Source: The Game Awards

This year, there is a game to suit everyone. You are guaranteed to find the perfect title, no matter your platform or preferred genre. Some of these games you will recognize while others are a welcome surprise! Try our quick quiz to find out what game is perfect for you from the Summer Games Fest list.

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-summer-games-fest-reveal-should-you-play-quiz/feed/ 0 1087434
How Well Do You Know the Destiny 2 Expansion Packs? https://twinfinite.net/quiz/how-well-do-you-know-the-destiny-2-expansion-packs/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/how-well-do-you-know-the-destiny-2-expansion-packs/#respond Fri, 14 Jun 2024 15:15:24 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1086717 Are you a top ranking Guardian?]]>

Destiny 2 has been around for years now and has multiple seasons and expansions to its name. If you have played from Year One then you should know just how extensive the lore and DLCs are. But how much can you recall? We have a tough quiz right here to truly test your Destiny 2 expansion knowledge.

Quiz: How Well Do You Know the Destiny 2 Expansion DLCs?

Our Destiny 2 quiz will test how deep your knowledge goes. You may have been playing since 2017 or maybe when the first expansion was released, but does that mean you know everything there is to know about Destiny 2’s expansions?

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/how-well-do-you-know-the-destiny-2-expansion-packs/feed/ 0 1086717
Can You Name Every XDefiant Map? https://twinfinite.net/quiz/can-you-name-every-xdefiant-map/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/can-you-name-every-xdefiant-map/#respond Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:32:09 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1086245 Can you tell where you are?]]>

XDefiant is Ubisoft’s first-person shooter where worlds collide to create chaotic battles in familiar places. The different areas in XDefiant take inspiration from other Ubisoft games such as Watch Dogs 2, Far Cry 6 and a host of Tom Clancy games! Can you tell which map is which in the quiz below? Test your knowledge with our XDefiant map quiz!

How Well Do You Know XDefiant Areas?

XDefiant has around ten maps to battle it out on but can you tell which is which? And can you name the Ubisoft game which inspired each map? You can test out your XDefiant map knowledge by trying our quiz below and see if you know your Emporium from your Nudleplex.

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/can-you-name-every-xdefiant-map/feed/ 0 1086245
The Ultimate PlayStation Trivia Quiz https://twinfinite.net/quiz/the-ultimate-playstation-trivia-quiz/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/the-ultimate-playstation-trivia-quiz/#respond Wed, 12 Jun 2024 09:31:11 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1084935 How well do you know Sony PlayStation?]]>

Sony’s PlayStation has been a huge part of so many lives and has a rich history of entertaining players all over the world. The PlayStation home and handheld consoles bring joy to many of us daily, but how many of us can truly call ourselves PlayStation’s proudest nerds? Do you think you have the knowledge to take our ultimate trivia quiz and test if you are the biggest PlayStation fan?

Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Sony PlayStation?

Image Source: Pixabay

Take our quiz below to test your PlayStation knowledge! We have questions about Sony PlayStation’s history, its different consoles and games, and so much more. Each question will put your PlayStation know-how to the test. See if you can prove your gaming expertise right here:

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/the-ultimate-playstation-trivia-quiz/feed/ 0 1084935
Should You Buy a Steam Deck? Take This Quiz to Find Out https://twinfinite.net/quiz/should-you-buy-a-steam-deck-quiz/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/should-you-buy-a-steam-deck-quiz/#respond Fri, 07 Jun 2024 15:36:06 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1083586 To Steam Deck or not to Steam Deck?]]>

From Game Boys and Nintendo Switches to PSPs and even iPhones, handheld gaming devices have always been popular. They’re a breath of fresh air that give you a chance to game wherever you want, no longer shackled to a TV or desktop PC. Valve released the Steam Deck back in 2022, a portable handheld computer that gives gamers hundreds of games to enjoy on the go. But Steam Decks doesn’t come cheap, so it’s worth finding out if it’s the right device for you.

Take Our Quiz To See Whether You Should Buy a Steam Deck!

Should You Buy a Steam Deck?

What type of games do you play most often?
How important is portability to you?
How much are you willing to spend on a console?
Do you already have a Steam library?
How tech-savvy are you?
How important is battery life for you?
How do you feel about the idea of a handheld PC?
Do you enjoy customizing your games and installing mods?
How often do you play games outside your home?
Are you interested in playing PC games that aren't on consoles?
Pick one of these games you'd most like to play.
How important is it to have access to a wide range of games?

Which result did you get? Did our quiz persuade you to finally take the plunge and invest in a Steam Deck? After all, it’s arguably the best way to play some of 2024’s best releases so far, such as Hades 2 and The Rogue Prince of Persia.

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/should-you-buy-a-steam-deck-quiz/feed/ 0 1083586
Which Wuthering Waves Character Are You? – Personality Quiz https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-wuthering-waves-character-are-you-quiz/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-wuthering-waves-character-are-you-quiz/#respond Mon, 03 Jun 2024 15:00:00 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1081846 Born to be Scar. Forced to be Rover...]]>

All of us have our faves in WuWa, but have you wondered which character you would be if you were in that world? Well, you’ll find out with our Wuthering Waves personality quiz! In case you end up being disappointed with the result, be sure to retry to see who you get on the next try!

Also, be sure to revisit this WuWa quiz in the future, as we will look to update it with new characters that come into the game and add a bunch more questions. That way, we will be able to pin point which one of them you are much more easily.

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-wuthering-waves-character-are-you-quiz/feed/ 0 1081846
The Sims 4 Kits and Packs Quiz: Real or Fake? https://twinfinite.net/quiz/the-sims-4-kits-and-packs-quiz-real-or-fake/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/the-sims-4-kits-and-packs-quiz-real-or-fake/#respond Mon, 03 Jun 2024 11:16:42 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1081729 How well do you know your Sims DLCs?]]>

The Sims 4 has so many DLCs to choose from, and they range from dust bunnies and kitchen clutter to high-fashion items and crystals. Only the most Sims-obsessed players know about every DLC! Can you figure out which of the Sims 4 Kits and Packs are real and which are fake? Try our quiz to find out!

Real or Fake: Sims 4 Kits & Packs Quiz

sims 4 new kits
Image Source: EA Games

Make your way through our Sims 4 Kits and Packs quiz to see how well you know what DLCs are available. With so many stuff packs, kits, and game packs out there to choose from, it might be hard to recognize fact from fiction. Unless, of course, you are an avid Sims 4 fan! Choose the fake DLC from the list below and see how many you get right.

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/the-sims-4-kits-and-packs-quiz-real-or-fake/feed/ 0 1081729
The Ultimate Fallout Trivia Quiz https://twinfinite.net/quiz/ultimate-fallout-trivia-quiz/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/ultimate-fallout-trivia-quiz/#respond Mon, 15 Apr 2024 14:43:37 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1067116 Are you S.P.E.C.I.A.L enough to beat our Fallout quiz?]]>

Do you think you have what it takes to beat our ultimate Fallout trivia quiz? Are your Intelligence and Luck stats high enough to answer each of the tough 30 questions correctly? Take the ultimate Fallout trivia quiz below to test what you know!

The Ultimate Fallout Quiz

The quiz below has 30 questions covering almost every main Fallout game out right now from Fallout 1 to Fallout 76 and even Fallout Shelter. Some questions are pretty simple while others are a bit more obscure! Can you answer each one correctly using the Fallout knowledge you have gained over the years? Let’s find out!

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/ultimate-fallout-trivia-quiz/feed/ 0 1067116
How Long Would You Survive in Fallout? Take This Quiz To Find Out! https://twinfinite.net/quiz/how-long-would-you-survive-in-fallout-quiz/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/how-long-would-you-survive-in-fallout-quiz/#respond Wed, 10 Apr 2024 11:44:40 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1065403 Can you survive the nuclear fallout?]]>

We would all like to think we could hold our own in a post-apocalyptic world but is this really true? Do you have the right skills and smarts to get you through the toughest of times? Find out below how long you would survive in Fallout! Take our quiz to find out if you are an apocalypse aficionado or dead in a day.

Fallout Survivor Quiz

Image Source: Bethesda

How long will it take for you to succumb to the deadly creatures, irradiated environment, and violent factions that plague the world of Fallout? Do you have what it takes to survive this harsh and unforgiving world? Answer each of the quiz questions below to see how long we think you would survive in Fallout.

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/how-long-would-you-survive-in-fallout-quiz/feed/ 0 1065403
Which South Park Character Are You? Take This Quiz To Find Out https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-south-park-character-are-you-take-this-quiz-to-find-out/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-south-park-character-are-you-take-this-quiz-to-find-out/#respond Mon, 08 Apr 2024 15:06:17 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1065035 Quizzes are good, mmmkay?]]>

Have you always wondered who your South Park twin would be? Are you the Kyle or the Eric of your friendship group? Maybe you are more like Mr Garrison or Mr Mackey? The only way to know for sure is to take our quiz and find out which South Park character you are!

South Park characters fighting in a police station
Image Source: Ubisoft

South Park Character Personality Quiz

If you have always thought of yourself as the sensible Stan Marsh but suspect you might be more of an irritable Mr Garrison, then our quiz will set you straight! The next ten questions will delve deep into your psyche to see which iconic South Park character you are most like.

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-south-park-character-are-you-take-this-quiz-to-find-out/feed/ 0 1065035
What Type of Alchemist Are You? Take This Fullmetal Alchemist Personality Quiz To Find Out https://twinfinite.net/quiz/what-type-of-alchemist-are-you-take-this-fullmetal-alchemist-personality-quiz-to-find-out/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/what-type-of-alchemist-are-you-take-this-fullmetal-alchemist-personality-quiz-to-find-out/#respond Fri, 05 Apr 2024 10:14:05 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1047354 Interested to see what Alchemist you might be?]]>

Strangely, despite the whole series focusing on alchemy, there isn’t much delving into unique alchemy in Fullmetal Alchemist. State alchemists are the biggest way we see varied techniques and usages, but there aren’t many detailed enough. However, the alchemists who grace the screen are all fun and well-crafted. For the most part, personality seems to matter just as much as alchemical ability, and the specialized characters flourish because of that.

When the series does showcase special/outlaw alchemists, they are only in one-off episodes. There, we don’t get a deep look at their abilities. This means that while we see Isaac McDougal’s cool ice alchemy and Clara’s unusual transmutations, we don’t know much about them. The additional challenge is that series regulars who are alchemists don’t always do anything personalized. For instance, Alphonse and Izumi’s alchemy are quite similar to Edward’s.

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/what-type-of-alchemist-are-you-take-this-fullmetal-alchemist-personality-quiz-to-find-out/feed/ 0 1047354
The Ultimate Nintendo Trivia Quiz https://twinfinite.net/quiz/ultimate-nintendo-trivia-quiz/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/ultimate-nintendo-trivia-quiz/#respond Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:23:04 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1057460 Is this the hardest Nintendo quiz ever?]]>

Are you ready to test your Nintendo knowledge? We have 40 questions all based on the history of Nintendo, the consoles and games you love. Find out if you are a Nintendo nerd with our Ultimate Nintendo Trivia Quiz!

Take The Ultimate Nintendo Trivia Quiz Here!

The trivia quiz starts easy and gets progressively trickier as you go on. Do you think you will manage to answer them all right? Or will some of our harder questions trip you up? Let’s find out!

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/ultimate-nintendo-trivia-quiz/feed/ 0 1057460
Which Starter Pokemon Are You? Take This Quiz to Find Out https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-starter-pokemon-are-you-take-this-quiz-to-find-out/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-starter-pokemon-are-you-take-this-quiz-to-find-out/#respond Wed, 13 Mar 2024 10:49:42 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1055561 Ever wondered which Pokemon you would be if you had a Mystery Dungeon moment? Now you can find out!]]>

Pokemon is a franchise with over a thousand different lovable creatures to admire. Among the most well-loved are the various starter Pokemon, which operate as partners given to trainers at the beginning of an adventure. Each Region has three different starter Pokemon to choose from, consisting of the Fire, Water, and Grass Types. However, with so many different starter Pokemon in existence now, it’s often a fun thought to consider which of them you’d be most likely to be.

Ever wondered which reflection you’d see staring back at you in a puddle if you had a Mystery Dungeon moment and awoke suddenly in Pokemon form? Or perhaps you’re just curious to see which starter you synergize with most. No matter the reason, you can check your results below. What are you waiting for? It’s time to start the starter Pokemon quiz and answer ’em all to find out!

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-starter-pokemon-are-you-take-this-quiz-to-find-out/feed/ 0 1055561
Which Iconic Video Game Mascot Are You? Take This Quiz to Find Out https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-iconic-video-game-mascot-are-you-take-this-quiz-to-find-out/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-iconic-video-game-mascot-are-you-take-this-quiz-to-find-out/#respond Tue, 05 Mar 2024 16:57:40 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1053411 Which icon are you?]]>

It’s the question every gamer wants to know the answer to: which gaming character am I most like? Are you cute and fierce like Pikachu? Or are you brave and adventurous like Lara Croft? Maybe you are more like the gruff leader, Master Chief. Answer each of the questions below to see which iconic video game mascot you are!

Quiz: Which Video Game Mascot Are You?

From Pikachu to Pac-Man, there are so many amazing icons in the video game world! Some of them became the figurehead of their games and a recognizable character in many homes. There are so many to choose from, but we have picked out ten of the most iconic video game mascots around for our quiz.

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-iconic-video-game-mascot-are-you-take-this-quiz-to-find-out/feed/ 0 1053411
Which Naruto Hidden Village Do You Belong to? Take This Quiz to Find Out https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-naruto-hidden-village-do-you-belong-to-take-this-quiz-to-find-out/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-naruto-hidden-village-do-you-belong-to-take-this-quiz-to-find-out/#respond Tue, 05 Mar 2024 11:58:02 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1053578 Leaf, Cloud, Mist, Sand, Stone, Rain, or Sound? It's time to find out!]]>

Have you ever wondered which of the various Hidden Villages you would belong to if you were a shinobi in the world of Naruto? Perhaps you will be best suited to one of the more popular and well-known Villages, such as the Hidden Leaf, or the Hidden Sand. Or, you could even belong to one of the more mysterious names, such as the Hidden Rain, or Hidden Sound. Take our Naruto village quiz below to find out!

The world of Naruto is home to many different shinobi who live in various villages located throughout the lands. These villages have much unique appeal to them, such as the terrain in which they are based, the Clans they house, and even unique Jutsu, or Jinchuriki hosts.

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/which-naruto-hidden-village-do-you-belong-to-take-this-quiz-to-find-out/feed/ 0 1053578
Which Quirk Would You Have? Take This My Hero Academia Quiz To Find Out https://twinfinite.net/quiz/my-hero-academia-quirk-quiz/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/my-hero-academia-quirk-quiz/#respond Mon, 04 Mar 2024 15:37:10 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1053559 Plus Ultra!]]>

My Hero Academia is a beloved anime series that is well known for its exciting and interesting cast of characters, and the unique powers that they wield, known as Quirks.

From elemental powers to mutant transformations, the world of My Hero Academia has a wide variety of Quirks that are all used to enable individuals on the path to becoming a hero or villain. Have you ever wondered which one of the many Quirks from the show you would be most likely to wield if you were a part of this superpowered universe? Well, now you can find out!

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/my-hero-academia-quirk-quiz/feed/ 0 1053559
Which Demon Slayer Pillar (Hashira) Are You? Take This Quiz to Find Out https://twinfinite.net/quiz/demon-slayer-pillar-hashira-are-you-quiz/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/demon-slayer-pillar-hashira-are-you-quiz/#respond Fri, 01 Mar 2024 04:42:30 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=619916 Are you flashy and fierce, or serene as a misty morning?]]>

The first season of Demon Slayer introduces a bunch of amazing characters. From our lovable protagonist to his best friends, just about everyone you meet has a distinct and interesting personality.

Near the end of the season, we meet the coolest group in Demon Slayer: an elite group of Demon Corp members known as the Hashira (aka the Pillars). These characters are everything that our young protagonists hope to become – and they also look really cool.

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/demon-slayer-pillar-hashira-are-you-quiz/feed/ 0 619916
Quiz: Simlish or Swedish? Test Your Sims Knowledge https://twinfinite.net/quiz/sims-simlish-swedish-quiz/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/sims-simlish-swedish-quiz/#respond Wed, 21 Feb 2024 20:00:00 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1048643 Wut sa dib? ]]>

How well do you know the language your Sims speak to each other? It may have started as a gibberish language but Simlish has some excellent phrases and words you might know! If you think you can pick out the right words from a list of Swedish and Simlish then try our quiz below.

Simlish Quiz: Test Your Sims Language Skills

Our Simlish quiz has a list below of words and phrases taken from both The Sims and the Swedish language. Simlish is essentially a made-up language but some of the words sound remarkably like languages in Europe. We have chosen Swedish words and phrases to confuse Sims players and truly test your Similish expertise! Pick out the Simlish words from the list below and see if you are a Simlish Scholar.

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/sims-simlish-swedish-quiz/feed/ 0 1048643
Which Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Character Are You? Take This Quiz to Find Out. https://twinfinite.net/quiz/final-fantasy-7-rebirth-character-personality-quiz/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/final-fantasy-7-rebirth-character-personality-quiz/#respond Wed, 21 Feb 2024 14:00:00 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1047020 Are you a brash and confrontational gunner like Barret? Or wizened and and honor-bound like Red XIII? Take the ultimate FF7 character quiz to find out!]]>

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth features all the iconic characters you know and love from the classic PS1 original and gives them the full cinematic treatment.

As the direct sequel to FF7 Remake, FF7 Rebirth follows Cloud and crew as they leave the walled steampunk metropolis of Midgar to venture out into the wider world.

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/final-fantasy-7-rebirth-character-personality-quiz/feed/ 0 1047020
Which Crew Would You Belong To? Take This One Piece Personality Quiz To Find Out https://twinfinite.net/quiz/one-piece-crew-personality-quiz/ https://twinfinite.net/quiz/one-piece-crew-personality-quiz/#respond Tue, 20 Feb 2024 20:00:00 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=1047443 Who are you swearing your loyalty to?]]>

Set sail on an exhilarating journey with our One Piece pirate crew personality quiz! Immerse yourself in the chaotic realm of piracy as you explore the defining traits of the most renowned pirate crews in the Grand Line.

From the daring Straw Hat Pirates to the renowned Roger Pirates, each crew embodies a unique blend of strengths and values that resonate with aspiring adventurers worldwide. Discover which legendary crew best aligns with your personality and aspirations as you navigate through the questions designed to uncover your true pirate spirit!

https://twinfinite.net/quiz/one-piece-crew-personality-quiz/feed/ 0 1047443