If you wish to learn what the best units are and why you should be using them without spending hours testing them out or watching YouTube showcases, then our definitive Anime Vanguards tier list is for you. Scroll down, and let’s dive in, shall we?
Anime Vanguards Unit Tier List – Update 1.1
Story/Paragon/Challenges/Raids Units Tier List
![Short modes tier list of all units in Anime Vanguards Update 1](https://twinfinite.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/anime-vanguards-1-1-update-tier-list-short-modes.jpg?resize=991%2C536)
Infinite/Boss Rush Units Tier List
![Infinite tier list of all units in Anime Vanguards Update 1](https://twinfinite.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/anime-vanguards-1-1-update-tier-list-long-modes.jpg?resize=991%2C535)
Sub-Mythic Units Tier List
![Tier list of all non-mythic units in Anime Vanguards Update 1](https://twinfinite.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/anime-vanguards-non-mythic-tier-list-update-1.jpg?resize=991%2C495)
Our Anime Vanguards tier lists are in the images above. Units are ranked relative to their rarity. Generally, higher rarity units are better as they have higher base stats. However, some, like Vogita Super, have multi-hit on placement, or have 3 max placement like Goju and are OP with Monarch. For more in-depth explanations, scroll down.
Anime Vanguards Unit Summaries
Exclusive Units
![Julias Explosion in Anime Vanguards](https://twinfinite.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/anime-vanguards-julias.jpg?resize=991%2C557)
- Haruka Rin (Dancer) — Haruka Evo gets another passive that extends the range of other units in her range. The buffs aren’t too crazy, but when applied to several units, they are really good.
- Haruka Rin — Non-evo Haruka Rin is somewhat underwhelming on its own. Still, you’ll need her for her evolution.
- Julias (Eisplosion) — Julias (Eisplosion) is the most meta support in the game right now. His attacks are multi-hit and freeze enemies in a big AoE, and his stats are all pretty good.
- Julias — Unevo Julias isn’t as good of a DPS as the Evo version, but his freeze is still very valuable. If you can get his SPA low enough, with 3 max placements, he can be an amazing support.
- Renguko (Purgatory) — Renguko (Purgatory) is arguably the weakest exclusive in Anime Vanguards right now. His passive does give him increased DMG if attacking the same enemy, and further buffs burn damage against already burning targets. However, he isn’t full AoE.
- Renguko — Renguko has burn on placement, which is extremely useful against shields. He also gets a cone AoE attack on upgrade 2. He is pretty good as a starter unit or shield shredder.
- Tuji (Sorcerer Killer) — Evo Toji’s passive allows him to take down shields and gain increased damage right after that. Plus, all of his stats are extremely good, and he has two abilities you can switch between depending on whether you’re fighting a boss or clearing mobs. He is really meta.
- Tuji — Unevo Tuji is actually a pretty solid exclusive unit. He has full AoE when maxed out, pretty solid DPS, and multi-hit. Plus, his passive gives him 50% more DMG when he isn’t being buffed by anything else.
- Mohato — Mohato isn’t the most meta DPS right now but he is still fairly strong. His main downside is his garbage line AoE attack and somewhat underwhelming passives.
- Legendary Super Brolzi — LSB gets +100% dmg on placement and slowly loses it as the waves pass. He is actually insane as a late-round unit that you just place and max out immediately. Plus, with 3 max placements, he is actually worth getting Monarch on.
- Mechamar — Mechamar works in a similar way as LSB, though his bonus damage is activated once you get him to upgrade 8. So, you can use him as a DPS before that, and once you start needing damage for the boss, upgrade him to 8 and enjoy his brief but massive DPS increase.
- Zion (Burdelyon) — Evolved Zion is one of the meta burn mythics right now, especially for Infinite. He has 4 placements, a good range, and a passive that buffs him the more burning enemies there are.
- Zion — Zion has cheap placement, multi-hit, and pretty solid burn damage. He is good as a shield-breaker, and his evolution is extremely good as a DPS.
Secret Units
![Igris in Anime Vanguards](https://twinfinite.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/anime-vanguards-igros.jpg?resize=991%2C557)
- Alocard (Vampire King) — Evo Alocard is one of the strongest units in the game. He has full AoE, bleed, insane range, relatively low SPA, and high base damage. Plus, he can summon units, which are by far better than SJW’s.
- Alocard — Alocard is strong, even non-evo, with bleed, full AoE, and amazing range. He might even be the best non-evo unit for Infinite in Anime Vanguards.
- Gujo (Infinity) — Gujo (Infinity) is definetly the most meta unit in the game right now. His DPS is simply insane. Plus, he has full AoE when maxed out and an OP ability that has a fairly low cooldown and can wipe and stun the whole map (excluding bosses).
- Sukono — Sukono is one of the meta DPS units with a cone AoE attack when fully upgraded and a full AoE active ability. Plus, he has one max placement, making him extremely strong with Monarch.
- Igros (Elite Knight) — When combined with Evo SJW, Evo Igros comes really close to being one of the strongest secret units in Anime Vanguards. The buffs he gets from SJW are insane, and he buffs SJW, too! Plus, he is full AoE, multi-hit, immune to stun, and has good stats.
- Igros — Non-evo Igros is pretty strong as a stat stick, but you’ll really need to evolve him to make him OP.
Mythic Units
![Vogita Super in Anime Vanguards](https://twinfinite.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/anime-vanguards-vogita-super.jpg?resize=991%2C557)
- Akazo (Destructive) — Akazo (Destructive)’s active gives him stun immunity and increased stats, which is really useful on some stages. Also, he has a line attack that triggers at range and okayish DPS. Still, other mythics seem to outperform it.
- Akazo — Akazo has a line AoE attack when maxed out, multi-hit on placement, very good range, and solid DPS. His passive reduces stun duration and other debuffs applied by enemies by 33%, which isn’t that useful. However, it also increases his DMG when he receives an attack.
- Cha-In (Blade Dancer) — Evo Cha-In is one of the best mythics in the game. She dodges and counters enemy attacks, has increased crit, and her DPS and range are excellent. Plus, she outperforms Evo Igros and Evo Alocard in all short modes.
- Cha-In — Cha-In is among the best non-evo mythics. Her crit passive and cone AoE attack that shreds shields are simply amazing for any game mode.
- Chaso (Blood Curse) — Evo Chaso gets a full AoE attack and an extra passive that gives him more DMG as he attacks bleeding enemies. Plus, he has 4 max placements, making him extremely valuable for Infinite runs.
- Chaso — Unevo Chaso applies bleed with his attacks and is a pretty solid shield-breaker. However, if you don’t need his bleed, there are better units you can use both for DPS and shields.
- Gujo — Unevolved Gujo is relatively underwhelming for a mythic unit. He doesn’t have multihit on any of his attacks, and his range is mediocre. The only redeeming quality is his somewhat good DPS.
- Itaduri — Itaduri is garbage. The only upside is that he is useful for the Sukuna Boss Rush event. Also, his evo is OP, and the Monarch trait is literally made for him.
- Jag-o (Volcanic) — Evo Jag-o has much better stats than the regular version and an active that increases his stats and turns him into full AoE for 15 seconds. He is pretty solid for Infinite.
- Jag-o — Unevo Jag-o feels like a nerfed version of Renguko. His burn can be useful ffor breaking shields but his upgrades are really expensive, and outside of Infinite, he isn’t that good.
- Noruto (Six Tails) — Evo Naruto is among the worst Evo mythic, mostly because of its trash passives. However, it’s still a solid pick due to its high raw stats, and it even got buffed recently.
- Noruto (Sage) — The correct placement of Noruto (Sage) is super important if you want to make use of his passive. However, even with it active, he is pretty mediocre compared to other mythics.
- Obita (Awakened) — Evo Obita has solid DPS and burn but doesn’t have the utility to match SJW or Cha-In. Still, he is pretty strong as a pure DPS and shield breaker.
- Obita — Obita has a somewhat weak passive for a mythic. Plus, his placement and upgrade costs are really high, making him a suboptimal choice compared to other non-evo mythics.
- Song Jinwu (Monarch) — Evo SJW’s is still one of the best mythics. He can summon units, has amazing DPS, and has an OP synergy with Igris. Plus, like all other units with 3 max placements and an active, he is amazing with Monarch.
- Song Jinwu — Non-evo Song Jinwu is pretty mediocre stats-wise, but his passive is good, and he has multi-hit on placement. Plus, his evolution is one of the most meta units in Anime Vanguards.
- Sosuke (Storm) — Evo Sosuke is a pretty good support mythic. He can stun enemies and deal increased damage to them. His stun also got a buff recently, making him extra viable.
- Sosuke (Hebi) — Sosuke is among the worst non-evo mythics. His SPA, DMG, and range are all pretty meh.
- Tengon (Flashiness) — Tengon (Flashiness) has a very good passive that increases DMG and lowers SPA. Plus, he is full AoE, has insane DPS, and a multi-hit attack. He is by far the best mythic in AV.
- Tengon — Tengon has a cone AoE multi-hit attach and okayish DPS. He also gets dodge in its passive, which is useful against bosses that can stun.
- Todu (Unleashed) — Evolved Todu gets more stats and another attack when maxed out. His evo passive isn’t that great, and if you do end up using him, it will mostly be because of his active ability.
- Todu — Todu has an active ability that allows you to swap places with another unit, which is useful for tournaments and Shibuya Infinite. Otherwise, his stats and attacks aren’t that great.
- Vogita Super (Awakened) — Evo Vogita Super has been buffed and is now among the best mythics. Mostly because he is cheap to place and upgrade, and his multi-hit is excellent for dealing with shields. Plus, his passive makes him extra useful against bosses.
- Vogita Super — Vogita Super has a solid passive that lowers its SPA if only Vogita units are in range. He is pretty good as a zero upgrades starter and shield breaker, especially for challenges.
Legendary Units
![Kinaru in Anime Vanguards](https://twinfinite.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/anime-vanguards-kizaru.jpg?resize=991%2C557)
- Agony — Agony is a pretty solid support. He has full AoE on placement and knockback on his attacks. However, you need to invest in him a lot to take his SPA down.
- Bean — Bean has a multi-hit attack and bleed. He is one of the best legendaries you can use because he shreds through shields, has good range, and solid DPS.
- Gaari — Gaari’s SPA can get really low due to his passive, making him a solid option for shredding shields. However, he doesn’t have bleed like Genas.
- Genas — Genas deals solid burn damage, and his passive allows him to attack much faster. He is the ultimate epic shield shredder.
- Goi — All legendaries have their use, and Goi’s is pure DPS. He gets increased DMG the more enemies are in his range, and he can also dodge enemy attacks, which is useful against bosses.
- Grim Wow — Grim Wow is one of the best legendaries for dealing with bosses because of his passive. However, his range and DPS aren’t that impressive, making him one of the worst overall mythics on this Anime Vanguards tier list.
- Inamuki — Inamuki is similar to Agony, though he draws the enemies towards him. He is a pretty solid support unit early on.
- Itochi — Itochi has the best burn of all sub-mythic units, and his DPS is really solid. You can use him to deal with shields if you’ve got nothing else.
- Kinaru — Kinaru’s passive might seem like it’s more of a debuff than a buff, but the stun immunity part is OP against some story bosses. Plus, he has multi-hit on placement, and his overall DPS isn’t bad at all.
- Nobaba — Nobaba is a bleed unit with a cone AoE attack and a pretty respectable DPS and range. However, you’ll get better units before you start needing her bleed.
- Roku (Dark) — Roku (Dark) is a pretty solid legendary. His passive allows him to execute non-boss enemies, which makes him useful even on zero upgrades and harder difficulties. Plus, his DPS is really good.
- Takaroda — Takaroda is the meta legendary farm unit. He is a huge upgrade over Sprintwagon, but Sprintwagon is still better for shorter modes.
Epic Units
![Nezuko in Anime Vanguards](https://twinfinite.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/anime-vanguards-nazuko.jpg?resize=991%2C557)
- Alligator — Alligator is probably the strongest epic support unit. He applies a virtually permanent 50% slow debuff on enemies, which is huge, especially against bosses. Plus, he doesn’t require much investment compared to Agony.
- Blossom — Blossom cleanses units of debuffs in her range with a 100s cooldown. If you’ve got no units that can sustain stuns on the DD Legend Stages or the Rengoku raid, she can be extremely useful.
- Genitsu — Genitsu is by far the worst epic unit. He doesn’t have enough DPS or utility to compete with the others.
- Inosake — Inosake has bleed and fairly low SPA, making him a viable pick if you’ve got nothing else that can deal with shields.
- Kinnua — Kinnua knockbacks and stuns enemies with his attacks. He is a bit better than Kokashi but worse than Alligator.
- Kokashi — Kokashi can stun enemies and deal pretty solid damage. However, his attack’s stun is pretty short.
- Nazuka — Nazuka is basically a better Genas. She has more DPS and a passive that increases her DMG on burning targets by 75%.
- Pickleo — Pickleo is one of the best epic DPSs and his range is amazing. Plus, he can take down shields with his multihit attack.
- Shinzi — Shinzi has very good DPS due to his passive. However, he doesn’t have any other useful bonuses.
- Sprintwagon — Sprintwagon is the best farm unit for short modes. He is simply indispensable on any squad.
Rare Units
![Luffy in Anime Vanguards](https://twinfinite.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/anime-vanguards-luffo.jpg?resize=991%2C557)
- Ichiga — Ichiga has a pretty weak attack and a fairly bad passive that just gives him a 20% DMG increase.
- Joe — Joe does have a solid passive, but other rare units are still better.
- Jon — Jon is arguably the worst rare unit in the game because his passive will simply never ramp up. Just don’t use him.
- Luffo — Luffo is basically the same as Ichiga, though he gets range instead of DMG on his passive.
- Noruto — Noruto’s passive is really bad. The only thing that is good about him is that his upgrades are cheap.
- Roku — Roku is one of the strongest rare units for the early game. He has good DPS and a passive that can increase his attack by up to 42%.
- Rukio — Rukio probably has the highest DPS of all rare units in Anime Vanguards. The only downside is its small attack AoE.
- Sanjo — Sanjo is one of the worst rare units. Both his stats and his passive are just bad.
- Sosuke — Sosuke can apply a pretty solid burn and is good even on zero upgrades. He is probably the only rare unit worth using.
- Vogita — Vogita is mediocre, even among rare units. There are better rares you can use.
That does it for our tier list of all units in Anime Vanguards. To learn which towers are meta in other popular experiences, such as Five Nights TD, Anime Defenders, and Anime Royale, visit the Roblox section here on Twinfinite. We’ve also got the Type Soul Trello link, a Lord of Nazarick tier list, and the Skillful Trello link. That’s alongside a look at the best cape IDs in The Strongest Battlegrounds.
Published: Nov 18, 2024 07:03 am